Gymnasium of National Hsin-Tein Senior High School
業主 國立新店高級中學
設計時間 2003年12月至2005年7月
完工時間 2006年9月至2008年2月
建築資訊 基地面積/42,416.55m2
魔術的透明盒子 綠地.建築與活動的結合
位於中軸線上的綠地,原已ㄇ字型地被厚重量體圍繞,僅剩北側(即基 地)紓解壓迫感,但本案多為大跨距需求,量體龐大,因此,為了創造 一個「似無」的空間,藉以降低對於核心綠地的衝擊,我們選擇以玻 璃作為建築語彙的主要材質,期望以多變的室內活動為建築的主要表 情,並且在配置上利用延伸的斜草坡與綠地串聯,使綠地與活動中心 之腹地均獲得相對的擴張。
以分割與錯置碎化平整量體,以協調鄰近建物 為避免活動中心量體過於巨大對周邊環境產生衝擊與壓迫, 在配合校方的教學需求下,將室內游泳池與其周邊附屬設施和 停車空間共同置於地下一層,以盡可能地減少地面層量體,地 面層的兩球場也分割為二:西側為正式籃球場為主體的室內運 動場兼禮堂,以水平向延伸連結西側教室棟,東側則利用堆疊 的小型體育練習教室,去創造近似鄰近住宅的相似量體,由於 本案與鄰近住宅區僅隔四米巷道,量體切割有助於拉近住宅與 學生活動中心量體在尺寸上的差異性,維持社區環境的協調, 呼應社區既有的天際線。
Magic-Transparent Box
A Matrimony of Green Space, Architecture and Activity
The open lawn on the central axis is already surrounded by heavy building masses on three sides. Situated by the north, one that remained un-built, edge of the field, the project site is the only chance of relief from oppressiveness. Due to the nature of programme, the project is inevitably large in structural span and mass. Thus, glass is chosen as the main material in order to create a spatial illusion of ‘seemingly non-existence’ and hence lowering visual impact on the central lawn. The diversity of indoor activities shall become the main expression of the student center. A patch of sloped grass, extended from the building to the central lawn, reinforces and expends the connection between the project and the adjacent lawn.The multitude and flexibility of programme—In order to maximize the efficiency of space usage, we organize the function plan and building massing based on the patterns of student activities.
Programme – Campus Activities
To maximize the efficiency and frequency of use by observing the patterns of student activities, the following criteria of space usage are sorted as followed:
· Increase flexible spaces for ball games-avoiding a lack of use of stage space.
· Fulfill functional multiplicity.
· Open up the ground floor.
· Visually permeable corridors
· Vertical programme organization enhancing participation- simultaneity of activities.
·Increase spaces for extra-curriculum activities and clubs.
Harmony with Ambient Environment
To blend into adjacent buildings by dividing, staggering and breaking up a singular mass.
To avoid spatial stress from a single, over-powering structure, the indoor swimming with support functions and parking garage are placed on the first basement level. On the ground level, to the west are formal basketball courts/ indoor playground which link to the adjacent classroom building; to the east are a number of staggered small excise rooms that mimic surrounding housing mass. Considering the athletic center and the adjacent residential buildings are only apart by a 4m-wide alley, breaking up the mass helps to bring a closer relationship with the neighborhood and maintain the cohesiveness of the community skylines.