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Student Athletic Center of Yang Ming Senior High School

業主             臺北市立陽明高級中學
設計時間      2008年07月至2009年10月
完工時間      2010年03月至2012年12月
建築資訊      基地面積/ 約5217m2 
                     總樓地板面積/ 約10894m2

傳承。延續校園紋理  縫合都市脈絡



當我們依空間機能性拆解成2棟約4層樓高的低矮量體後,從校內環境來看我們不僅得以延續既有校舍與老樹的校園地景高程,對校外都市環境也同時保有路口街角的自明性;在於鄰街道都市活動面,設計配置室內球場、暖身跑道、階梯講堂、演藝廳等活動表演性質較高的教學空間機能,透過玻璃視窗,讓社區居民了解校園內部的活動,期望位於校園出入口處的學生活動中心,成為師生教學活動對城市呈現的”展示櫥窗”, 讓建築空間每一天潛移默化地扮演校園與都市生活的「黏著劑」,讓城市看見陽明。

Continuation of Campus and Amendment  with Urban Grain Compared with general teaching facility buildings, the demand of function and space on a student activity center is a mixture of dynamics and statistics.  Often, the space for dynamic activities   requires large and fixed floor area/height that cannot be reduced or divided. Thus, the common architectural type for such mixed-program facility is generally an integrated and independent structure.  However, on the existing Yangming high school campus, introducing a new singular and massive student activity center building would have easily obstructed the original campus design which combines the modern and the traditional Chinese garden style by the architect Ms. Zeeland Sho. Therefore, based upon the consideration of the function and management, we proposed to arrange the programs into two smaller buildings to accommodate circulation and visual flow on existing campus ground.  Such design strategy also transformed the shortcomings of the existing narrow and marginal site into advantages for building configurations.

North Building
Teaching Building
Placing the classrooms and meeting rooms adjacent to the administrative and academic buildings allows easy accessibility among similar teaching usages.  This building is laid out as a continuation of the existing V-shaped pattern of building masses on campus.  The new structure echoed with the campus through a relatively low building profile. 

South Building 
Gymnasium and Performance Hall
As a landmark in its surrounding urban environment, this campus building incorporates site contours and adopts the characteristics of the dynamic geometry, resulting in an oval-shaped building form to reinforce a closer bond between  Yangming high school and the surrounding communities.

By organizing the overall functional space into two 4-story low profile buildings, not only does it sustained the original campus masterplan and landscape, it also outstands itself in the neighborhood communities.  Those of the more interactive programs-indoor stadium, warm-up tracks, steps-classrooms, auditorium and performance hall, are purposely situated and revealed to the neighborhood through the glass facades along the street side.  We anticipate this student activity center located at the entrance of the campus become the place for the teachers and the students to showcase their activities to the community.  A roll as adhesives between school life and urban life is bestowed upon architecture. Let this city see Yangming!

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